


日期:2024年1月15日(週一) 6-8pm 地點:Main Building MB119水池邊 講者:黃效文博士、初雯雯小姐 內容:「90後」女孩初雯雯如何走上保育之路?她又如何在人跡罕至的新疆阿勒泰地區紮根、展開救助河狸、救助野生動物故事?開學之初,與探險家及「河狸公主」一起池旁夜話、探索天地 資格:港大學生、費用全免,準時到達 語言:英語為主、國語輔助 查詢

Fountainside Dialogue with the Explorer

In 2022, Ms. Chu Wenwen from Xinjiang gave the opening day anchor speech at the UN COP15 Convention on Biological Diversity, representing China’s youth born after 1990. She started going out into the field at the age of 9 following her father, a noted wildlife biologist. A graduate of Beijing Forestry University, besides being a KOL which large following and known as the “Beaver Princess” of China, she is also a PhD candidate after founding her animal rescue centre in 2016 in northern Xinjiang. To date, she has rescued many endangered and endemic species of animals and birds. With many accolades at a young age, she is visiting Hong Kong for the first time as guest of the HKU Wong How Man Centre for Exploration. Wong and Chu would hold the first 2024 Fountainside Chat with a dialogue regarding current wildlife conservation efforts in western China and the challenges of her work. Short films would also be shown during the talk, with Q&A to follow.

Date & Time: Monday January 15, 2024 6-8pm Venue: Fountain side of MB119, Main Building, HKU Enquiry:
